All that meat and no potatoes…

This website has been slightly updated, old links might be broken, but all the content —posts and playlists— have been moved across. I have fixed external links when it made sense, though archived posts may have the occasional dead link where the target has disappeared.

My WNUR Playlists: What I’ve played on my show since the summer of 2002. I update this pretty much in real time during my show, so it’s the place to go if you want to know about what you’ve been listening to (with the new palylist system what’s playing should also show up on the WNUR home page). Other DJ’s WNUR Jazz playlists can be found here.

Links to Jazz Labels: A simple lsit of links to most of the labels that distribute the music you hear on WNUR.

Jazz links: There isn’t much point in my creating and maintaining a list of links to jazz resources on the Web when Bob Keller has done a far better job than I am ever likely to do.

wnur-logoWNUR — my radio home since 1986, and where I have had a jazz show regularly since the summer of 1987. The station streams live via MP3 /mobile for those unlucky enough to live outside broadcast range. It was also home of the sadly defunct JazzWeb (via the Internet Archive), originally started in 1993 by Joe Germuska; but there were plans afoot to resuscitate the project as part of the WNUR wiki, but nothing seems to have come of it.